When I was in elementary school we would celebrate Halloween by dressing up in our costumes and having a parade around the school, so everyone could see our ans we could see everyone elses costumes. We usually had a little party too where we ate some cookies and fruit punch and it was all innocent fun before going out and getting candy that night. Well in the school that I am placed that this year they decided to change up the tradition of having a parade around the school to having a Halloween dance. One of the teachers in the school said it worked out very well in the school she was previously in and suggested that they try it at the school I'm placed at. All the students were invited to come back to the school for a dance from 6-7:30 at night the Thursday before Halloween. Parents were invited to stay and watch their children while others went home. I was really confused by the fact that ?Kindergarten-5th graders were having school dances already. I always thought that school dances were a privilege in middle school where students were a little more mature. I talked this over with my CT and she completely agreed with my stance that the students are a little too young to be having a school dance. She was surprised that I had this mindset because she said people my age are all for this change and the school dance instead of the traditional parade. She proceeded to tell me that she did not think the school dance was a good idea because of the sprouting relationships that are already beginning in the elementary school. She says there are problems in the school already with the boys calling the girls names or cat-calling and the girls where make up to school and dressing in not the most appropriate clothing. The Halloween dance just provokes this behavior and makes it a bigger problem. She also told me that a lot of the students in her classroom are apart of families where their dad has children with multiple women. I feel like this school dance is providing a way for the students to grow up much faster than they should. Do you think that dances in elementary schools is alright or that they should wait until middle or high school to be allowed to have these types of parties?
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