The cons of having cell phones in classrooms are that they can be a huge distractions during a lesson because students are able to hide their cell phones out of the sights of their teacher to text their friends or play games. Cell phones going off in a classroom can also be a distraction, which used to happen on a regular basis in my high school and also occurs in some of my college classes. Another problem with cell phones in the classroom is that it is an easier way for students to cheat on tests. Students can text their friends and ask them for the answers or if they have a smart phone or a phone with internet access they could look up the answers to problems on a test.
I think that if we educate the students on the appropriate uses of cell phones in classes and model to the students how a cell phone can help students learn even more and how cell phones can enhance their abilities to find out more that they could be very good for the classroom. Distractions, cheating, and inappropriate uses of cell phones will always be a problem in a classroom as long as students own cell phones. As long as we show students the proper way to use a cell phone in the classroom and find a way for the students to respect you enough to not use their cell phones in class in ways that are not helping their education that they could be very beneficial. For now though I think that not every student has the access to a cell phone, and one that could be used in a classroom because most cell phones that students have are just for talking, texting and taking pictures. I think for now cell phones should be kept in students lockers or backpacks until more research has been done with cell phones being used in the classroom and the correct ways to use them in a school setting.
The point you made of every student having a smart phone in the next 5 years is something that i would question. while cell phones are becoming more and more popular i think the cost is prohibitive for some young people and their families. I am sure the cost will come down but I think this adds additional financial stress on some families. This could also be creating an advantage for some students. What do you think?